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  • The effects of high temperatures in automotive injection moulding processes

The effects of high temperatures in automotive injection moulding processes

I believe that those who have understood the injection moulding industry know that in the process of automotive injection moulding, there will inevitably be times when the temperature is high, but too high a temperature can have many adverse effects. So what are the specific aspects of these adverse effects? Let's take a look at them together with the editor.
Automotive injection molding processing
Automotive injection molding processing adverse effects are mainly manifested in the following aspects.

1, the temperature is too high will drop the viscosity of the oil: when the injection molding processing temperature is too high, it will drop the viscosity of the oil, adding leakage. At this time, the volume power of the pump and the power of the whole system will also be significantly reduced. If the viscosity of the oil decreases, the oil film of moving parts such as slide valves will become thin or cut edge, friction resistance will increase, and the wear phenomenon will increase.

2, accelerate the oil oxidation metamorphosis: injection molding process heated too high will accelerate the oil oxidation metamorphosis, dissection of asphalt material, reduce the service life of hydraulic oil, dissection of material will block the damping hole and gap valve, resulting in pressure valve stuck, metal pipe elongation zigzag, and even cracking.

3, resulting in poor quality of injection parts operations: injection molding process heated too high, will lead to poor quality of injection parts operations, oil dissolved air escape, the emergence of cavitation, reduce the operating performance of the hydraulic system.

4, mechanical thermal deformation: hydraulic components with different coefficients of thermal expansion should be combined with practice, resulting in operational failure, seriously affecting the transmission accuracy of the hydraulic system, resulting in poor quality of injection molded parts operations.

5, automotive injection molding processing temperature is too high will lead to deformation of rubber seals, accelerate aging failure, reduce the service life of sealing performance, resulting in leakage.
Last: These processes also need to be considered when completing an injection moulding process Next: Two-colour injection moulding process
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