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  • The main points of plastic mold processing and molding types

The main points of plastic mold processing and molding types

A plastic mold is a compact tool. It has a messy shape and bears the expansion force of the blank. Therefore, there are high requirements for structural strength, stiffness, general hardness, general roughness, and machining accuracy. The increase of plastic mold is the degree of machinery manufacturing. One of the important signs. The cycle time is long and the processing cost is high (especially the manufacturing and processing cost of compact and messy plastic molds or large plastic molds is up to hundreds of thousands or even millions of RMB).

After a long time operation, it is necessary to sharpen the plastic mold, and it is necessary to demagnetize the blade after grinding, and it cannot be magnetic, otherwise, it will easily cause blockage. Plastic mold processing factory should make detailed records, their operation, maintenance (lubrication, cleaning, rust prevention) and damage to the environment to count, and according to the damaged parts and components and the degree of wear to supply information for finding and use. Problem-solving. Data as well as the molding process parameters of the plastic mold and the materials used in the product, to shorten the commissioning time of the plastic mold and improve cross-production efficiency.

Plastic Molds

Combined plastic molds consist of compression molding, extrusion molding, injection molding, blow molding, and low foaming. The plastic mold mainly contains a cavity combined with a concave mold base plate, a concave mold assembly, and a concave mold combination card plate. The concave die is a convex die with a variable core, which consists of a convex die combination base plate, a convex die component, a convex die combination card plate, a cavity removal component, and a side cutting combination plate. The mold convex, concave die, and auxiliary molding systems are harmoniously varied. A range of plastic parts of different shapes and scales can be processed. In the plastic processing industry, it is used in conjunction with plastic molding machines to supply complete equipment and accurately scaled tools for plastic products. Because of the diversity of plastics and processing methods, as well as the messy and simple structure of plastic molding machines and plastic products, there are various types and structures of plastic molds.
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